Benefits of choosing On-Site BMW Service
- Don’t have your car towed to get a diagnosis
- Don’t rent a car we come to you.
- You don’t have to bother your friends or family to get your car to the shop.
- Pricing is often less than a shop charges for repairs.
- OEM BMW diagnostic equipment ISTA D/P.
Say you’re car wont start. Normally you would have to get it towed to a shop, wait for the diagnosis, and pay for the towing if you don’t have roadside assistance. Why not get the diagnosis where it’s broken before you take it to a shop? Better yet, what if we could fix it where it’s broke down saving you money? Wouldn’t that be more convenient than all the hassle of the normal repair procedure your used to? Now don’t you think its time to try On-Site B.M.W. Service? Call or Schedule a repair below to see if we can help you today!
Already have a estimate or are you in need of future repairs recommended by a shop?
No problem, just schedule a repair and we will give you a quote for the same repair, please provide as much info as possible so we can be accurate, and it will probably be less than what they quoted and we come to you! Can you beat that?
Services and Diagnostics At your Convenience
Here is a small list of what services are currently available.
Services we can provide at your home or office.
- Mobile Diagnostic Service Starting at $90
- Pre Buyers/Used car Inspections $90
- Module replacement and Programing Starting At $199
- Mobile Battery Replacement Service Starting at $199
- Mobile Parking brake rebuilds E65 only $399
- Mobile Convertible Top Diagnostics Starting at $85
- Mobile Air Conditioning service Starting at $85
- Mobile Window repairs- all models
- Mobile Door Handle/ lock repairs- all models
- Mobile Drive belts and Tensioners
- Plus Many More, Contact to see what is available
If you don’t see what your looking for call or schedule a repair below to see what is available on your BMW model.

Our mobile BMW car inspection team can perform your inspection in twenty minutes, unlike other auto inspection stations that make you wait for hours. We are conveniently located in Phoenix if you need an auto inspection in AZ. No appointment necessary, we only only specialize in BMW vehicle. Call us today.
(480) 493-7669

“Ryan, and the team are outstanding in their skills and knowledge and impeccable customer service!”
We offer a full range of garage services to vehicle owners located in Phoenix area.
Our professionals know how to handle a wide range of car services.
What Makes Us Different
Our mobile car inspection team can perform your inspection in twenty minutes, unlike other auto inspection stations that make you wait for hours. We are conveniently located in Phoenix if you need an auto inspection in AZ. No appointment necessary, we only only specialize in BMW vehicle. Call us today.
- Mobile: (480) 493-7669
- E-mail:
- Senior Discount 15% OFF
- Free Quotes
- Monthly Maintenance Discount
- Engine Diagnostics
- Lube, Oil and Filters
- Belts and Hoses
- Air Conditioning
- Brake Repair
- Tire and Wheel Services
- Other Car Services
M-F: 7am – 9pm
Sat: 7am-Noon
By Appointment